the good, the bad, & the awkward

the good

//i am finally starting to get over this dang cold i've had forEVER. you know what that means? i am finally able to belt at the top of my lungs around the house again! *fist pump*
//i have officially mastered the art of making the PERFECT sweet potato fries. i'll share the recipe on here someday, i promise (because it is seriously the best side dish to any sandwich ever. it's bomb.)
//i landed a second job last night to help pay for college tuition comin' up next month!
//finally got my little brother to watch SYTYCD with me & he loves it. SCORE.
//I MOVE TO HAWAII IN T-MINUS 24 DAYS. where has the time gone?

the not-so-good

//carhopping at Sonic in 115 degree heat has been really kicking my booty as of late.
//Luke told me i'm not allowed to leave for Hawaii because he will miss me too much. man. leaving my siblings in 24 days will definitely be a heart breaker.
//found out a very close friend of mine is battling some tough addictions & watching him go through that has been pretty difficult.

the awkward (these are only a few of the MANY awkward moments i've had this past week)

//waking up my little brother at 2am to kill a scorpion in my bed. (i am moving out in 3 weeks and can't kill a scorpion on my own??? c'mon em. get your crap together.)
//although, my cold is getting much better, my darned ears are STILL plugged (going on 2 weeks not being able to hear anyone). about 80% of the time someone is talking to me, i have to ask "what??" and have them repeat what they said about three times before i can finally understand them. super bad.
//spilled ranch dressing down my shirt while on my way to the gym yesterday, but i didn't want to waste gas and go home and change so i just went to the gym with the ranch spots on my shirt. (i did go to the bathroom and wash up before working out, but it was still pretty bad.) i'm sure the guy on the treadmill next to me thought it was super cute, right?

thanks for reading you guys. you're all the best & it really means a lot to me. have a wonderful day & embrace the good, the bad, & ESPECIALLY the awkward moments in your life.