Blogging Amateur

I decided it was high time for me to create a blog since I am starting a different, exciting, yet nerve-wracking chapter of my life! Keep in mind I have never blogged before and, although I have read some dang good blogs, I haven't yet learned the ropes of blogging. So bear with me ;)

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start (if you can name that reference we will be fast friends). I am by NO means, creative. My mom, my grandmother, all of my aunts and cousins are ALL incredibly creative, but somehow I must have missed that gene. So needless to say, this probably will not be one of those super cutesy blogs. Heck, I'm not even sure if anyone will end up reading a single one of my posts! I just felt that this next year was going to be a big year for me and I want a place to write down daily (ok lets be realistic, probably weekly) entries/pictures of interesting and exciting opportunities and fun that I hope will come my way!

I am so incredibly stoked for this next year. 2013 was SUCH a big year for me. So much change came my way, that I was forced to acclimate to a completely different way of thinking. 2013 was the year of a new Emma Fisher (how cheesy does that sound?). But REALLY. Last year was a huge year for me. I grew emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually more than any year thus far. Many would say, "Well of course you did, you learn and grow with every year." Very true. But last year there was a significant change in my outlook on life. I had to undergo some pretty tough changes and challenges that lead me to think about life in the "grand scheme of things". I learned who I was as a person, and I was able to see myself in a different way than I ever had before. I have become more confident in who I am, and what I stand for. I have had to turn to the Lord for comfort and relief from pain. My testimony of the Atonement and of the gospel strengthened into something it couldn't have without the test of my faith. It's a strange thing to say one is thankful for hardship. But I am. I learned that last year. I am GRATEFUL for trials and tribulations. Because I believe that the time when the Lord communicates to His children most, is when we are on our knees pleading for guidance/forgiveness/relief. It was during those times of desperation, when I heard my Father's voice and influence in my life stronger than I ever had before. I also learned that one can be happy during trying times. I often have to think to myself, "Emma, you do not live a sad life. You are just having a sad day." I have difficult moments. Who doesn't?? Sometimes those moments last for days or even weeks. BUT I often have to remind myself that these sad moments are but for a moment. They do not reflect my everyday life. I am happy. So INCREDIBLY happy. I have so much to be thankful for, how can I not be happy? That is why I'm excited for this next year. I know this year will be challenging and full of hardships, especially as I leave my family and Arizona and go off to Hawaii for school. Leaving my family will easily be the most difficult thing I've had to do thus far. But I am excited for the opportunities and new friends that it will bring.

So, college. I am so freaking ready for you.
( two months. I leave September 1st.)

Also quick shout-out to Erika Thompson for helping me in the design and creation of this blog. She rocks.

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