Beautiful Trip with Beautiful Company

I spent this past week with some of my favorite people in this world in one of my very favorite places in this world-- The Golden State that is California. We started off our week away from home in the breathtakingly beautiful town of Big Bear in the most home-y cabin right on Big Bear Lake. We then spent a couple of days in Anaheim to go to Knotts Berry Farm and the beach. Needless to say, it was a vacation for the books!

-I was able to cross jet-skiing, kayaking, and pontoon boating off my bucketlist... the dare devil in me deemed jet-skiing to be my favorite part of the whole trip!
-Went to quite possible the largest antique thrift shop on the west coast. Seriously, I wish I took more pictures because it was something that needed to be documented! I fell in love with the shop and could have spent hours longer exploring all of the crazy cool antique treasures I found.
-I GOT A TAN. If you know me, you know this is seemly impossible on account of me being the stereotypical redhead (or ginger, if you must). Ha! And although I will never have the skin of a beach goddess, I can now say that I've gotten a little more color and now I have something to work off of when I move to Hawaii in t-minus 40 days!
-Getting completely DRENCHED on Big Foot Rapids at Knott's. A huge wave pretty much did it for me (might I add that my two cousins Sydney and Cabram did not get even a tiny bit wet) and all of the people waiting in line for the ride pointed and laughed at me when the aforementioned wave crashed down soaking me from head to toe. Although being freezing cold wasn't super fantastic, it was a blast and made for a great laugh.
-There are PLENTY more fun highlights but the best part of the whole trip was spending time with beautiful people that I love so much. Specifically, my cousin/best friend since birth, Sydney. Man, that girl is a dork. But that is why we are so dang close. Because heaven knows I am the dorkiest of the dorks. We laugh over the silliest things until our stomachs hurt and we are gasping for breath and our cheeks are sore. I feel so blessed to have had this girl by my side since day one...literally. We have pictures of us naked in laundry baskets at the age of one. Above all, Sydney is just a sweetheart who I can depend on for absolutely anything at any time. She is strong and won't compromise her standards for anything and is overall one of the best examples to me in my life. I love ya, Syd. Thanks for the unforgettable trip, luvah. 


 *dramatically looking off into the distance*

1 comment:

  1. Saw your blog on my Facebook feed, its so darling! Excited to meet you in Hawaii (Hale 7 right?), eeek!

