Silver Linings

I am a strong believer in that every cloud has its silver lining. Even if I don't know what that silver lining is right now. This past week has had its fair share of storm clouds. More than its fair share, as a matter of fact. And I can't yet see the positive repercussions of what these trials will bring.


BUT, I know that some day I'm going to look back on this difficult time in my life and think of all of the important life lessons I learned from it. And when it comes right down to it, even though life is throwing some curve balls at me right now, I feel OVERWHELMING blessed. I am convinced that some of the best people God has ever created are apart of my life. I kid you not, I have some dang awesome best friends. I also am incredibly blessed to have the gospel in my life and the knowledge that I can get through absolutely any trial with the help of the Lord. So really...yeah, life is kinda tough right now and I'm facing some challenges I never thought I would have to face, but holy cow am I blessed or what?

I think it's super-duper important to learn how to be happy even when things are hard. Everything is going to be okay if I am relying on the Lord for guidance. I learned that lesson from my sweet momma. She is such a strength in my life and she has taught me how to constantly have an attitude of gratitude and I couldn't be more thankful to her for that and for countless other things.

So, yes. Every storm cloud has its silver lining. But you know what? I quite like rainstorms.

1 comment:

  1. "April showers bring May flowers" :) I like rainshowers too. What a blessing to be your mama. Thanks for much wisdom and faith in someone so young; you are destined for great things! Love ya babe!
